20210527 - First meeting 2021¶
UKMO: Robin Chadwick, Nicky Stringer
INPE: Chou Sin Chan, Emanuel Giarolla, Paulo Nobre
Intercomparision of UKMO and INPE numerical seasonal ensemble forecast skills for the first season will be compared
UKMO hindcasts will be those of the GLOSSYS project
INPE hindcasts will be those from SST-forced BAM and from fully coupled BESM
INPE intends to compute donwscalled hindcast with the Eta model neste in either or both BAM and BESM global hindcasts
Works shall begin in January 2022
Seasonal forecast initialisation details will be discussed latter, but include Ocean, Atmospheric and Land analyses
The whole subject of initialisation will be discussed latter, but includes the possibility that INPE's global hindcasts are initialised with the same fields used by GLOSSYS hindcasts?...
Focal points:¶
UKMO: Nicky Stringer
INPE: Paulo Nobre